HES Celebrates Black History Month

January 26, 2021

Since 1976, every president has officially designated February as Black History Month. This is the birth month of Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. During the month America celebrates the achievements by African Americans in U.S. History. So, Hayfield Elementary invites our entire community to celebrate with us by sharing a video (one minute or less) that can include personal stories, photos, or student work that honors famous African Americans from past and present days. We have provided several categories to get you started:

1. Military Service / Government / Public Service

2. Civil Rights

3. Business / Inventors

4. Music, Movies, Authors, Sports

Please submit through the Flipgrid platform as a majority of our students have experience with its use. The Flipgrid will serve as a gallery that can be viewed throughout the month of February and we’ll be sure to post it on our website under Features. Please use this link to post your videos. It will also be posted in our Schoology Student All course. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Equity Leads; Nikalette Lee, @email or Chandler Pelican, @email. If you have questions regarding how to post to Flipgrid, watch this quick video.

We look forward to seeing your creative your skills!

To access the Flipgrid gallery, click here.