New Student Registration

Kindergarten and New Student Registration Information

Welcome to Hayfield Elementary School!

We're excited to welcome our newest Hawks! 

Families who need language support may contact the following central office registrars, or contact the Student Registration Welcome Centers

To join us, first determine if your student lives in the Hayfield Elementary School boundary by viewing the FCPS boundary locator. If your student does live in the Hayfield Elementary boundary, please see the Registration Information and Forms sections below for the required enrollment forms and documents.

Online Student Registration

General Registration Forms

Kindergarten Forms

Kindergarten Registration Forms

A child may enter kindergarten if he or she turns five on or before September 30 of the year he or she enters school.

Visit the FCPS kindergarten registration page to learn more. This page has videos as well as the five-step process for enrolling a new student.

First through Sixth Grade Forms

First through Sixth Grade Registration Forms

Visit the FCPS registration page to learn more. This page has videos as well as the five-step process for enrolling a new student.

Moving to Hayfield ES from Another FCPS School

If your student is attending another FCPS elementary school, but you will be moving to a new primary residence with Hayfield ES as a base school, you will first need to contact the registrar at your current elementary school to arrange to withdraw your student. Then you will need to contact the Hayfield ES registrar to enroll your student.

Items Needed for Registration (for Existing FCPS Student) 

  • Proof of Residency in Fairfax County - You will be required to show proof of residency during the registration process.
  • Proof of Parent Identity - Only a parent who is named on the child's birth certificate is eligible to enroll the student. At an appointment with our registrar, the parent will be required to present government-issued photo identification.
  • Withdrawal Form - It is very important that you complete a Withdrawal Form and return it to your current school if you are moving during the school year.
  • Forms - You will need to fill out and submit the following three forms to the Hayfield ES registrar:

Completing the Process at the School

When you are ready to come to the school to complete your registration paperwork, please make an appointment with our SIA, Jailene Acevedo. You can:

  1. Use our SignUp Genius link to schedule the appointment OR
  2. Contact our Student Information Assistant, Jailene Acevedo, by phone at 703-924-4500 to set up an appointment. 

Please note: 

  • Elementary school Student Information Assistants are 11-month employees and not on contract from the middle of June through the middle of July. Therefore there may be a delay in communication during this time.

Documents to Bring to the School

  • Original birth certificate: If a birth certificate is not available, the FCPS affidavit with substantiating documentation is required.   Affidavit forms may be obtained at the school.  

  • Proof of residency: A current mortgage statement, a current, fully-executed lease (signed by both the landlord/management company and tenant), or deed/closing documents to the home is required. If you are sharing a residence, you must complete and have notarized two FCPS residency affidavit forms and provide the necessary documentation at registration.

  •  Parent Photo ID: Only a parent who is named on the child's birth certificate is eligible to enroll the student. The parent will be required to present government-issued photo identification.

  • Immunization Records and Health Physical: To ensure the vaccinations are in compliance with Virginia’s requirements, review your medical records. The student cannot be enrolled unless vaccinations are in compliance. (FCPS Regulation 2101.18). Please bring a copy of the school physical conducted by your family doctor. FCPS Policies, Regulations & Notices    

  • Special Education Records: such as an IEP, if applicable. Please inform our Student Information Assistant if your child has an IEP when scheduling your appointment. 

  • Completed registration forms - only if you did not register online. 

Additional Resources

Registering a Student Whose Home Language is Other Than or In Addition to English

Student families wishing to register a student with a home language other than or in addition to English should please contact the FCPS Student Registration Welcome Center. Here professionals may assess your student's English language skill and/or educational level. These assessments can provide valuable information to the local school and support your child's instructional needs.  

Special Registration Situations

Special registration situations can include nonparent registrations, situations involving divorced or separated parents, homelessness, foster care, and foreign exchange students.

Military Family Registration

FCPS welcomes responsive and collaborative communication and partnerships with the parents and families of our students.

Student Transfer Information

A student is expected to attend the school that serves his or her attendance area. Transfer requests are considered for very specific reasons as outlined in FCPS School Board Regulation 2230.

Student transfer information is available if a parent would like to transfer a student from a base school to another school within FCPS. However, a  school must be open to transfers, based on student capacity, etc.

Questions? Please contact our Student Information Assistant, Jailene Acevedo, by phone at 703-924-4500.