
Are you changing the way your child goes home?

Kiss and Ride

Parents may drop their children off in our kiss and ride loop in the morning. Patrols will begin to unload cars at 8:20 a.m. Pickup will begin at 3:20 p.m.

  • Please watch this video for morning Kiss and Ride procedures: Morning Arrival Procedures video
  • Follow the directions of staff at all times. Pull forward when directed, and obey the signals of crossing guards
  • Make sure that your child enters/exits your car on the building side (passenger side only). Students should only exit the car once a patrol or staff member has opened the door. Parents must not exit the vehicle.
  • If you choose Kiss and Ride for dismissal, you and your child will be given a matching number. Attach the number tag to your child's backpack, and display your number sheet on your dashboard every time you arrive for pickup. This is how staff can most quickly get your child to the right car.


Students who walk to school must follow safety rules. Walkers should stick to the sidewalks, avoiding neighborhood yards. All parents and students must stay on sidewalks and crosswalks once they are on school grounds, and follow the directions of crossing guards. 

During dismissal, Kindergarten and first grade parents will meet their children outside the library entrance (exit 10). All other students in grades 2-6 will use door 3 to leave the building.

Bus Riders

Bus service is provided for students who live more than one mile from school or where walking is hazardous. Schedules for bus riders are mailed to students prior to the first day of school, and posted on ParentVue. Parents of bus riders should download the Here Comes the Bus app to track bus status: Here Comes the Bus App. Students are expected to obey safety patrols and bus drivers, behave in an orderly manner, observe safety rules, remain seated, and talk quietly after boarding the bus. Bus access is a privilege, and can be denied to students who disrupt safe bus travel.

Safety Patrols

Responsible students have been selected to participate in the school safety program directed by a teacher sponsor with assistance from Fairfax County Police. The primary objective is to promote safety among children. Patrols have neither the authority nor the training to stop or direct traffic.