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Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Weekly Reminders
  • Printable Breakfast/Lunch Menus - Now Available!
  • Digital Citizenship Week - Spirit Week
  • International Night Cultural Celebration
  • SCA Homecoming Spirit Week
  • Full-Time AAP Screening
  • Fall Picture Make-up Day
  • News from the Family Liaison
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Celebrations and Traditions
  • Useful Links

Mark your Calendar - October is a busy one!
  • October 14 - Student Holiday (No School) School office hours |
    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  
  • October 14-18 - Digital Citizenship Week
  • October 17 - PTA Meeting
  • October 18 - Field Day
  • October 21 - 3 Hour Early Release | 12:20 p.m.
  • October 23-25  - HSS Homecoming Spirit Week
  • October 24 - Monster's Ball
  • October 29 - Full-Time AAP Screening Information Night
  • October 30 - Fall Picture Make-up Day
  • October 31 - 2 Hour Early Release | 1:20 p.m.

See the complete school year calendar

Weekly Reminders
  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m.
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • The school does not accept food deliveries for students.
  • Lunch visitors are now welcome. Seating is limited at some tables.
  • Bring your ID when coming to the building.
Breakfast/Lunch Menus Online

Printable Breakfast and Lunch Menus are now available online. Find out what's on the menu at Hayfield Elementary today.

Elementary School Lunch Menu (PDF)

Menus can also be viewed through links on the Hayfield Elementary Schools website and FCPS Food and Nutrition Services Instagram page.

Digital Citizenship Week

 October 14–18, 2024

This school year, we're proud to be participating in this campaign to help our students lead happier, healthier, safer lives in our increasingly digital world. Our students at HES continue to receive lessons on digital citizenship topics both in the classroom and in Technology class with Mrs. Snyder! To celebrate being amazing digital citizens, students are encouraged to participate in this special spirit week. Our morning news show will feature helpful tech tips and tricks each day. Remember that Friday is FIELD DAY, so school spirit will be celebrated all day! Students can wear orange and blue or their class field day colors!

Being thoughtful about kids' media and tech use has never been more important! Join us and participate in this year's Digital Citizenship Week with free resources from Common Sense Media!

International Night Cultural Celebration

To celebrate the many countries and cultures here at HES, we will have an International Night cultural celebration on Thursday, November 7, 2024, from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. We are so fortunate to have many countries/cultures represented in our building. This event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate each other and embrace diversity.

Families/students who want to participate will be assigned a table and may:

  • Display flags, maps, crafts, photos, tri-fold posters, and other informative materials representing your country.
  • Dress in your country attire/traditional clothing.
  • Prepare food that represents your culture (you will be provided an ingredient card to list all ingredients used for allergy purposes).

Students may also participate in our parade of nations during the school day and/or the traditional clothing fashion show during the evening event. 

Families wishing to participate, please let us know by returning the form sent home in your child’s Thursday folder or completing the form at this link by October 18, 2024.  We can’t wait to see you there.

We also need volunteers to help make this night a success! We need help with set up both Wednesday, November 6, and Thursday, November 7, as well as help with clean up after the event. This is a great opportunity for school or scout service hours! Please sign up here.

SCA Homecoming Spirit Week

Hayfield Secondary School’s Homecoming week is fast approaching and to share in the Hayfield Spirit, we will be having our own Homecoming Week Spirit Days!  The themes are listed below.

Wednesday, October 23 – Jersey Day – Wear athletic/sports attire

Thursday, October 24 – Opposite Day – Dress up like a teacher day

Friday, October 25 – HES Spirit Day – Wear anything & everything Hayfield!  

Full-Time AAP Screening Understanding the Process Information Meeting

For any parents interested in learning more about the screening and identification process for full-time Advanced Academic Services (AAP) for the 25-26 school year, there will be an information meeting on Tuesday, October 29th at 6pm in the library. Full-Time services begin in 3rd grade, and screening is available for students in grades 2-6. Please reach out to AART Avery Rothman ([email protected]) with any questions.

Field Day is back this Fall at Hayfield Elementary on Friday, October 18.  Volunteers are needed to help run the stations the classes will be rotating through.  Field Day will be run in two different sessions.

Session 1:  Grades K-3 will be from 8:50 - 11:00 AM.

Session 2:  Grades 4-6 will be from 1:00 - 2:50 PM.

If you are able, please sign up for a session. We will follow up with you about a week before the event with additional information!  Click on the Signup Genius link to sign up for a session 

Thank you,

Andrew Pitts ([email protected]) and Maliya Tillery ([email protected])

News from the Family Liaison

Immunization Clinics will be held for the Hayfield Pyramid schools on Monday, October 21st from 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.  This is a 3-Hour Early Release date when FCPS Elementary school day ends at 12:20 p.m.  All school-required immunizations will be offered at no cost.  Call 703-246-7100 to make your appointment.

Mount Vernon District Office
Springfield District Office

Public Transportation for Mount Vernon District Office
Fairfax Connector Route: 171
Metrobus Route: REX

Plan your trip

Family Resource Center Workshops

Benchmark Advance: the New K-6 Language Arts Curriculum

Join us for an overview of the new K-6 language arts curriculum. This will include background information regarding the Benchmark Advance and how this program is organized to ensure evidence-based literacy instruction for all K-6 students. Join the FCPS Instructional Services Department and FCPS Office of Special Education Instruction for this important webinar.

October 8, 2024, 6:30-8 p.m.

October 9, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m.

Register Online

Math is Everywhere! Talking to Your Children about Mathematics

Join the FCPS Elementary Math Team to discuss ways to engage your children in mathematics. This webinar will provide concrete examples for caregivers with ideas to spark math joy.

October 18, 2024 10-11:30 A.M.

Register Online

Marily Grotz, Family Liaison
Phone: 703-924-4553  Cell: 571-296-6011
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm

For Our Military Families: Military Matters Upcoming Events

October 13 - Navy Birthday


HES Veterans Day Celebration

November 8, 2024

RSVP by November 1st


Hayfield Elementary School will be celebrating Veterans Day on Friday, November 8th.  We are proud to honor our Veterans and Military Parents in a variety of ways. All Armed Forces Service Members (Active-Duty, Reserves, Retired) and All Service Branches are welcome to attend. Uniforms are encouraged. 

8:35-9:00am - Veterans Breakfast in Cafeteria (Students & Families)
9:00-9:15am – Flag Raising Ceremony
9:15-10:15am – Military Guest Classroom Visits (Recorded Videos also Welcome)

RSVP for Breakfast
RSVP for Classroom Visits Guest Speakers


Veterans Wall of Heroes

In celebration of Veterans Day, HES would like to recognize our Military Family Members who have served in the Armed Forces.

If your student would like to honor a Veteran family member and/or service member, please complete this form, and return it to your child’s teacher. You can submit several forms to recognize additional family members. Please include a picture of the military member(s) who are being honored if possible.

Forms were also sent home in Thursday Folders this week.  Forms and pictures will be displayed in the hallway for all to see.

HES International Night - November 7, 2024  6:00-8:00pm

Calling all Military Families…Let’s showcase Military Culture!

If you’re a military family, it’s no secret to you that the military has its own unique lifestyle and culture.  Children in the military community are rich with their own experiences and knowledge. There are many ways students can participate in International Night to share their culture, heritage, and traditions.

Showcase ideas: tabletop display, photos, tokens, maps showing all the places you’ve visited and lived, posters, collages, drawings, poems, food, uniforms, and a list of interesting facts about your culture, traditions, and, of course, yourself - or any presentation you prefer.  Look for the sign up above in the newsletter and in Thursday Folders.

PTA Hayfield Elementary School Military Families Liaison

Did you know that the Hayfield Elementary School PTA has a Purple Star Military Liaison? Katie Hamlin ([email protected]) is our Military Liaison, and she represents our military families here at Hayfield.

Katie works closely with our Military & Family Life Counselor to welcome HES military families and help them connect. They work together to plan social activities, facilitate school events, organize family gatherings, etc. As our Military Liaison, Katie advocates for our HES Military families and acts as a bridge between the school and our military community.

We invite you to join the HES Military Families Facebook page, HES Military Families Connect.

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

Celebrations and Traditions

Monday, October 14
, is a student holiday and staff development day for Indigenous Peoples' Day. 
On the second Monday of October and the month of November, people all over the United States celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Native American Heritage Month.

In Virginia during October, Disability History and Awareness activities provide an opportunity to create greater public awareness for individuals with disabilities, with the goal of full inclusion in our community.

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 week ago

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Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Weekly Reminders
  • Disability History and Awareness Month
  • Indigenous Peoples' Day
  • Walk and Roll to School
  • Field Day Volunteers
  • SEL Screener
  • News from the Family Liaison
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Community Events
  • Useful Links


  • October 7 and 8 - Restaurant Nights at Taco Bamba
  • October 9 - Walk and Roll to School Day
  • October 14 - Student Holiday (No School) School office hours |
    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  
  • October 17 - PTA Meeting
  • October 18 - Field Day
  • October 21 - 3 Hour Early Release | 12:20 p.m.
  • October 24 - Monster's Ball | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

See the complete school year calendar

Weekly Reminders
  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m.
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • The school does not accept food deliveries for students.
  • Lunch visitors are now welcome. Seating is limited at some tables.
  • Bring your ID when coming to the building.


In Virginia during October, Disability History and Awareness activities provide an opportunity to create greater public awareness for individuals with disabilities, with the goal of full inclusion in our community. 


Monday, October 14, is a student holiday and staff development day for Indigenous Peoples' Day.  On the second Monday of October and the month of November, people all over the United States celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Native American Heritage Month. Students deserve meaningful, sustained opportunities to learn about the diverse perspectives, experiences, and contributions of Indigenous people (globally) year-round, and these celebrations are an opportunity to honor these important stories.  
See the complete school year calendar.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What better way to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, than by walking and rolling to school with friends. The 28th annual National Walk and Roll to School Day will take place on Wednesday, October 9. We will meet at 7:50 a.m. in Hayfield Park and then walk to school. Everyone is welcome to join us.

If it should rain, this event will be cancelled.

Field Day Volunteers

Field Day is back this Fall at Hayfield Elementary on Friday, October 18.  Volunteers are needed to help run the stations the classes will be rotating through.  Field Day will be run in two different sessions.

Session 1:  Grades K-3 will be from 8:50 - 11:00 AM.

Session 2:  Grades 4-6 will be from 1:00 - 2:50 PM.

If you are able, please sign up for a session. We will follow up with you about a week before the event with additional information!  Click on the Signup Genius link to sign up for a session 

Thank you,

Andrew Pitts ([email protected]) and Maliya Tillery ([email protected])

SEL Screener

Students to Be Surveyed on Social-Emotional Learning

FCPS is committed to supporting the mental wellness of all students. The Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener helps our students share their perspectives on how their schools and communities support them and help them develop the skills they need to succeed.

The screener is offered to all students in grades 3 through 12 in the fall and spring. It addresses skills such as achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to plan programming for the division, schools, and individual students. 

After each screening, results will be available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families who don’t have a ParentVUE account. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.

Families who wish to opt their child out may do so by completing the opt-out form in the Annual Notice packet or SIS ParentVUE. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage or contact our front office. 

Please note that the SEL Screener is not the same as the anonymous Fairfax County Youth Survey, which will take place later this fall.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact Heather Kunz, our school psychologist, Erin Smith or Marvin Jones, school counselors, or Herston Phillips, school social worker at 703-924-4500, to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

News from the Family Liaison

Regional Job Fair hosted by Virginia Career Works
Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus. Register Here!
October 10, 2024  from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
Fine Arts Building - 3301 Netherton Drive, Alexandria, VA.  Free Parking or take Metrobus: 25A, 25B, 25C, 25D, 28A or DASH Bus Line 31.

FCPS Multilingual Family Podcast

Listen and subscribe to a FCPS Multilingual Family Podcast to hear timely, important information related to school news.

·    English

·    Español (Spanish)

·    العربية(Arabic)

·    한국어(Korean)

“In this episode, as you prepare for a successful school year, you are reminded to keep your ParentVUE account on the Student Information System up-to-date. Use it to keep track of your student’s grades, attendance, class schedules and much more. Use the Family Academy website for all things related to families in FCPS.  You can submit questions, explore academic and community programs, register for classes like Early Literacy, Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Children and Family Literacy, and read or subscribe to the latest Family Resource Center newsletter. Always feel free to contact your child’s school if you ever have any questions.” 

Marily Grotz, Family Liaison
Phone: 703-924-4553  Cell: 571-296-6011
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours:  Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm

For Our Military Families: Military Matters

Oct 3-6, Hours Vary
26th Annual Octoberfest
Fort Belvoir Fremont Field

Enjoy a 4-day celebration that highlights authentic German cuisine, beverages, music, and dancing. Take part in the carnival, Volksmarch 5K Walk and much more. This is a fun-filled event geared toward the whole family.

Blue Star Families Local Upcoming Events

Springfield Starbucks Coffee Connect
October 13 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Starbucks 8098 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA

Springfield Starbucks Storytime
October 16 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Starbucks 8098 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA

November 8, 2024

HES Veterans Family Breakfast Celebration

Please join us for a special breakfast to honor our HES Veterans & Military Families in celebration of Veterans Day. Military Parents, Veterans, and their students are invited to attend. Event will take place in the HES cafeteria. More details to come.

Parent Webinars - linked below

Military Child Education Connection (MCEC)

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery2 weeks ago

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Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Weekly Reminders
  • SEL Screener
  • Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting
  • Walk and Roll to School
  • Field Day Volunteers
  • News from the Family Liaison
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Community Events
  • Useful Links


  • October 1 - Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting | 6:00 p.m.
  • October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (No School)
  • October 4 - Student Holiday (No School) School office hours |
    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  
  • October 9 - Walk and Roll to School Day
  • October 14 - Student Holiday (No School) School office hours |
    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  
  • October 18 - Field Day

See the complete school year calendar

Weekly Reminders
  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m.
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • Lunch visitors will be welcomed beginning October 1st.
  • The school does not accept food deliveries for students.
  • Bring your ID when coming to the building.
SEL Screener

Students to Be Surveyed on Social-Emotional Learning

FCPS is committed to supporting the mental wellness of all students. The Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener helps our students share their perspectives on how their schools and communities support them and help them develop the skills they need to succeed.

The screener is offered to all students in grades 3 through 12 in the fall and spring. It addresses skills such as achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to plan programming for the division, schools, and individual students. 

After each screening, results will be available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families who don’t have a ParentVUE account. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.

Families who wish to opt their child out may do so by completing the opt-out form in the Annual Notice packet or SIS ParentVUE. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage or contact our front office. 

Please note that the SEL Screener is not the same as the anonymous Fairfax County Youth Survey, which will take place later this fall.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact Heather Kunz, our school psychologist, Erin Smith or Marvin Jones, school counselors, or Herston Phillips, school social worker at 703-924-4500, to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting

There will be an Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting for parents on Tuesday, October 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the school Library. Any parents of students in grades K-6 are invited to attend. This meeting will discuss the levels of service for Advanced Academics as well as the process for screening and identification for these services. Please reach out to the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, Avery Rothman [email protected], with any questions.

Get2Green Outdoor Cleanup

4th-6th grade students are invited to participate in a garden clean up at Hayfield on Tuesday, October 8 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Mr. Pitts and Mrs. Taylor will be leading this effort, with the goal of cleaning up and tending to some of our outdoor spaces. Students would need to be picked up from Hayfield at 4:30 p.m. on that day. Permission forms will be distributed at school to interested students. Contact Mr. Pitts ([email protected]) or Ms. Taylor ([email protected]) for more information.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What better way to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, than by walking and rolling to school with friends. The 28th annual National Walk and Roll to School Day will take place on Wednesday, October 9. We will meet at 7:50 a.m. in Hayfield Park and then walk to school. Everyone is welcome to join us.

If it should rain, this event will be cancelled.

Field Day Volunteers

Field Day is back this Fall at Hayfield Elementary on Friday, October 18.  Volunteers are needed to help run the stations the classes will be rotating through.  Field Day will be run in two different sessions.

Session 1:  Grades K-3 will be from 8:50 - 11:00 AM.

Session 2:  Grades 4-6 will be from 1:00 - 2:50 PM.

If you are able, please sign up for a session. We will follow up with you about a week before the event with additional information!  Click on the Signup Genius link to sign up for a session 

Thank you,

Andrew Pitts ([email protected]) and Maliya Tillery ([email protected])

News from the Family Liaison

Help your Preschool Child Feel Confident for School
Contact Marily Grotz, Family Liaison, for more information.

  • The Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program is now registering. In this one-hour a week meeting with the instructors and families. Caregivers will gain tools, skills, and confidence to practice school readiness. Instruction is available in English and Spanish.
  • The African Heritage Early Literacy class will be taking place at the Lorton Community Center this year. This program is for parents/caregivers with their children. It will be taught in English and anyone is welcome.
  • Fort Belvoir ES will be hosting an Early Literacy class and registration is now open. This is open to families who have base access and who have children who have not entered Kindergarten.
  • The Hispanic Early Literacy Class and Arabic Early Literacy classes are also registering now.

Regional Job Fair hosted by Virginia Career Works at Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus. Register Here!
October 10, 2024  from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
Fine Arts Building - 3301 Netherton Drive, Alexandria, VA.  Free Parking or take Metrobus: 25A, 25B, 25C, 25D, 28A or DASH Bus Line 31.

Marily Grotz, Family Liaison
Phone: 703-924-4553  Cell: 571-296-6011
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours:  Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm

For Our Military Families: Military Matters

Oct 2, 11 am - 1 pm
Farmers Market (Mobil Market)
Fort Belvoir ACS

Visit ACS on the first Wednesday of every month to pick up free fruits, vegetables and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy healthy, nutritious food with your family.

Oct 3-6, Hours Vary
26th Annual Octoberfest
Fort Belvoir Fremont Field

Enjoy a 4-day celebration that highlights authentic German cuisine, beverages, music, and dancing. Take part in the carnival, Volksmarch 5K Walk and much more. This is a fun-filled event geared toward the whole family.

Fort Belvoir Primary Early Literacy Program,
Wed. & Fri. 10am-noon

Children & families participate in fun school-like activities to prepare kids for kindergarten. Ages 1-5.

Blue Star Families Local Upcoming Events

Springfield Starbucks Coffee Connect
October 13 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Starbucks 8098 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA

Springfield Starbucks Storytime
October 16 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Starbucks 8098 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA

November 8, 2024

HES Veterans Family Breakfast Celebration

Please join us for a special breakfast to honor our HES Veterans & Military Families in celebration of Veterans Day. Military Parents, Veterans, and their students are invited to attend. Event will take place in the HES cafeteria. More details to come.

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery3 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Weekly Reminders
  • Blue Star Welcome Week 2024
  • National Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Ordering School Pictures
  • Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting
  • Walk and Roll to School
  • Field Day Volunteers
  • Caregiver Checklist
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Community Events
  • Useful Links


  • September 21-29  Blue Star Welcome Week
  • September 24 - Military Families Parent Coffee | 8:40-10:00 a.m.
  • September 25 - PTA Meeting | 7:00 p.m. (Library)
  • October 1 - Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting | 6:00 p.m.
  • October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (No School)
  • October 4 - Student Holiday (No School) School office hours |
    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  
  • October 9 - Walk and Roll to School Day

See the complete school year calendar

Weekly Reminders
  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m.
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • Lunch visitors will be welcomed beginning October 1st.
  • The school does not accept food deliveries for students.
  • Bring your ID when coming to the building.

Every year, approximately 600,000 military-connected families relocate. Most of these families move to new duty stations, while some transition out of the military and others transition in. Most of these moves take place over the summer, and Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to ensuring our military families feel welcomed and a sense of belonging to their local community. 

Blue Star Welcome Week is an opportunity for our community to welcome our military-connected families and show them our appreciation for their service and sacrifices. Throughout the week, FCPS will help ease their transition through events, messages, actions of welcome, and opportunities to make meaningful connections. Please help us welcome our military families during Blue Star Welcome Week, September 21 - September 29, and throughout the year!



From September 15 to October 15 we recognize
and celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of the members of our community whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.


Ordering School Pictures

Still need to order School Pictures?  It's not too late...Here are the steps!

Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting

There will be an Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting for parents on Tuesday, October 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the school Library. Any parents of students in grades K-6 are invited to attend. This meeting will discuss the levels of service for Advanced Academics as well as the process for screening and identification for these services. Please reach out to the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, Avery Rothman [email protected], with any questions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What better way to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, than by walking and rolling to school with friends. The 28th annual National Walk and Roll to School Day will take place on Wednesday, October 9. We will meet at 7:50 a.m. in Hayfield Park and then walk to school. Everyone is welcome to join us.

If it should rain, this event will be cancelled.

Field Day Volunteers

Field Day is back this Fall at Hayfield Elementary on Friday, October 18.  Volunteers are needed to help run the stations the classes will be rotating through.  Field Day will be run in two different sessions.

Session 1:  Grades K-3 will be from 8:50 - 11:00 AM.

Session 2:  Grades 4-6 will be from 1:00 - 2:50 PM.

If you are able, please sign up for a session. We will follow up with you about a week before the event with additional information!  Click on the Signup Genius link to sign up for a session 

Thank you,

Andrew Pitts ([email protected]) and Maliya Tillery ([email protected])

✔️ Parent/Caregiver Checklist:

Have You Completed These Important Forms?

🩹 Immunization Requirements 

Please check with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to make sure your child is up to date on the immunizations required by the state of Virginia. Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school. Contact Marily Grotz, Family Liaison, [email protected] for assistance with an Immunization Action Plan.

Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)

The SR&R document explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses. Parents using SIS ParentVUE will be prompted to sign the document when logging in to that platform. A printable version of the document with a signature sheet is available on the SR&R webpage. This form should be signed and returned by Friday, September 30.

For Our Military Families: Military Matters

    Military Families Parent Coffee - HES Cafeteria
    September 24, 8:40-10:00am

Please join us for our HES PTA Military Families Parent Coffee as we celebrate Blue Star Welcome Week. We are honored to welcome our military-connected families and thank you for your service and sacrifices. If you have lived here for a while, please share your knowledge of HES and the local community to support our new families.

Contact: Katie Hamlin – HES PTA Military Liaison, [email protected]
Shelly Oberst, Military Family & Life Counselor, [email protected]


Blue Star Families Local Upcoming Events:

Arlington Penrose Starbucks Coffee Connect
October 8 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Starbucks 2413 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA

Springfield Starbucks Coffee Connect
October 13 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Starbucks 8098 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA

Springfield Starbucks Storytime
October 16 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Starbucks 8098 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery4 weeks ago

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Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Weekly Reminders
  • National Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Back-to-School Night
  • Field Day Volunteers
  • Caregiver Checklist
  • Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Elementary Continuum of Services
  • Safety Drills During the School Year
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Community Events
  • Useful Links
  • September 16 - 3 Hour Early Release | 12:20 p.m.
  • September 17 & 18 - Hangry Burger PTA Restaurant Night 
  • September 19 - Back-to-School Night | 6:00-7:30 p.m.
  • September 24 - Military Families Parent Coffee | 8:40-10:00 a.m.
  • September 25 - PTA Meeting | 7:00 p.m.
  • October 1 - Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting | 6:00 p.m.
  • October 1 - Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application Due. Apply Here.
  • October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (No School)
  • October 4 - Student Holiday (No School) School office hours |
    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

See the complete school year calendar

Weekly Reminders
  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m.
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • Lunch visitors will be welcomed beginning October 1st.
  • The school does not accept food deliveries for students.
  • Bring your ID when coming to the building.

From September 15 to October 15, FCPS recognizes and celebrates the histories and cultures of the members of our community who trace their heritage to Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Upcoming Community Celebrations:

September 14, 2024: Hispanic Heritage Month at Patrick Henry

September 15, 2024: MOLA Presents: Mi Pequeño El Salvador Festival

September 28-29, 2024: Fiesta DC

October 5, 2024: Fiesta Fairfax

Back-to-School Night

September 19 | This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more.  Spanish Translator will be available for this event.  Email Marily Grotz, Family Liaison, at [email protected] for information.

6:00-6:10 p.m.  Meet & Greet for Session 
6:10-6:15 p.m.  Welcome Video
6:15-6:45 p.m.  Classroom Presentation (Back-to-School Info)
6:45-7:00 p.m.  Transition and Meet & Greet for Session 2
7:00-7:30 p.m.  Classroom Presentation #2 (Back-to-School Info Repeated)

*There are two sessions for families that have more than one child at HES. The teachers will be presenting identical information in Session 1 and Session 2. Specialists will be in their classrooms. Feel free to stop by and say hello.

Art – Ms. Halvorson in room 115

Music – Mr. White in room 125 and Mr. Bennett in room 121

PE – Mr. Pitts and Ms. Tillery in the gym

Library & Technology – Ms. Ergler and Ms. Snyder in the library

ESOL – Christine Ludolph in room 116

Reading – Kendra Trainer in room 124

Math – Sara Wilska in room 315

Field Day Volunteers

Field Day is back this Fall at Hayfield Elementary on Friday, October 18.  Volunteers are needed to help run the stations the classes will be rotating through.  Field Day will be run in two different sessions.

Session 1:  Grades K-3 will be from 8:50 - 11:00 AM.

Session 2:  Grades 4-6 will be from 1:00 - 2:50 PM.

If you are able, please sign up for a session. We will follow up with you about a week before the event with additional information!  Click on the Signup Genius link to sign up for a session 

Thank you,

Andrew Pitts ([email protected]) and Maliya Tillery ([email protected])

Caregiver Checklist

✔️ Have You Completed These Important Forms?

We understand that the multiple school forms caregivers receive during the first weeks of school can feel overwhelming, but each one helps set your child up for a successful school year! If you do not have a SIS ParentVUE account, please contact your child’s school for an activation code and follow the directions on the SIS ParentVUE Account webpage

🩹 Immunization Requirements 

Please check with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to make sure your child is up to date on the immunizations required by the state of Virginia. Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school. 

You may check your child’s immunization compliance and submit their immunization record in SIS ParentVUE. Records may also be delivered to your school’s front office.  Alternative immunization documents (below) may also be provided to your school’s front office, but they may not be uploaded in ParentVUE:  

  • A healthcare provider’s written statement specifying all administered immunizations.
  • A healthcare provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
  • A notarized Religious Exemption form objecting to the administration of immunizations due to conflicts with religious tenets or practices.

Find more information on immunizations

📋 Permission Forms

Families can easily grant permission for their children to access a variety of school resources through the Parent Digital Consent system. Parents can opt their child in or out of resources including online educational tools, school counseling services, and tutoring services. They can also change how student information is managed.Visit the Parent Digital Consent webpage to access the system. Watch this video to see how to use the tool

Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)

The SR&R document explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses. Parents using SIS ParentVUE will be prompted to sign the document when logging in to that platform. A printable version of the document with a signature sheet is available on the SR&R webpage. This form should be signed and returned by Friday, September 30.

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Elementary Continuum of Services

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to challenging all students through talent development efforts and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of advanced learners.  

FCPS offers a continuum of advanced academic services for all students in Grades K-12. The continuum of services approach recognizes unique student needs and focuses on matching services, not labeling students. Through the continuum, students have: 

  • Multiple entry points for deeper learning opportunities in specific areas of need as they develop.  
  • A cluster group of students with similar academic needs to continue growing in their learning.  

Teachers, Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs), and school administrators work together to provide the following levels of service at the elementary level:

Access to Rigor, Grades K-6
All students have opportunities to think critically, reason, and problem-solve.  

  • All teachers use critical and creative thinking strategies in their lessons. 
  • Classroom teachers provide opportunities using materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework a minimum of once per quarter. 

Because Access to Rigor is for all FCPS students, there is not a screening process. 

Subject-Specific Services, Grades K-6
Some students are strong in a specific subject area. Classroom teachers may adjust instruction for students in these area(s) by: 

  • Providing different assignments and resources in those subjects,
  • Grouping students by their strengths, interests, and readiness, and
  • Providing additional challenges using materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework.

Student needs for Subject-Specific differentiation are re-evaluated each year at the local school.  

Part-Time Services, Grades 3-6
Some students have advanced academic needs in multiple subject areas in addition to specific subject differentiation. They need Part-Time AAP services.  

  • Students work with other students that have similar academic needs through weekly pull-out classes or weekly co-taught lessons with the AART and classroom teacher. 
  • Teachers provide frequent opportunities to use materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework in Language Arts, science, social studies, and/or mathematics. 

Part-Time services continue through Grade 6. Students do not need to be evaluated each year.  

Full-Time Services, Grades 3-8
Some advanced learners need a Full-Time advanced academic program with differentiated instruction in all four core content areas (Language Arts, mathematics, social studies, and science).  

Students eligible for Full-Time AAP services are cluster grouped on a Full-Time basis and receive: 

  • Full-Time use of materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework in Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, and 
  • Curriculum that is differentiated through acceleration, depth, and complexity of content.  

Full-Time services continue through Grade 8. Students do not need to be evaluated each year. 

Screening for Advanced Academic Program Services
Multiple data points are reviewed holistically to determine eligibility for all FCPS advanced academic services. Committees consider student work from opportunities with AAP lessons, examples of student reasoning or gifted behaviors from class discussions and activities, progress reports, achievement and ability scores, and parent input. Committees consider whether students have access to a group of students with similar academic needs to support academic conversations and growth in the classroom. No pieces of the data are weighted in the holistic screening process.   

Eligibility decisions for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP services are made by a committee at the local school, and screening is ongoing throughout the school year. To refer for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP services, submit the AAP School-Based Referral Form to the AART at the local school. 

Eligibility decisions for Full-Time services are made by the countywide central selection committee. 

Screening for Full-Time services occurs during specific screening cycles:   

  • Fall screening is available for students who are new to FCPS since January. 
    • The fall screening referral window is from the first day of school - October 15. 
  • Spring screening is available for any Grade 2-7 FCPS-enrolled student.  
    • The spring screening referral window is from the first day of school - December 15. 

Please do not wait for test scores before submitting a referral for your student in Grades 2-7. Referrals submitted after the Full-Time services referral windows noted above will not be accepted.   

Referral forms for all advanced academic program services are found at

For more information, please visit the AAP website at:

Ability Testing
FCPS uses ability testing as one consideration of the holistic screening process for advanced academic services. Test scores are not weighted or prioritized in the holistic screening process.   

  • All students in Grade 1 take the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT). 
  • All students in Grade 2 take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).  
  • NNAT and/or CogAT may be administered to students in Grades 3-6 who do not have an ability test score during the regularly scheduled testing windows.   

Parents or guardians may request a one-time retest of either the CogAT or the NNAT in grades 3-6. Requests must be made during the fall testing windows. Please contact the school testing coordinator, Sara Wilska ([email protected]) or AART, Avery Rothman ([email protected]), no later than September 15 to request the CogAT or October 15 for the NNAT. 

Elementary Parent Information Meeting

A parent information meeting will be held at Hayfield Elementary on Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm. The AART, Avery Rothman ([email protected]) will provide information about the continuum of AAP services, explain the screening processes, and answer questions about advanced academic services. 

Young Scholars
The FCPS Young Scholars model seeks to identify and affirm, from an early age, students with high academic potential from groups historically underrepresented in advanced academic programming. The goal of the model is to eliminate barriers for Young Scholars’ access to and success in advanced academic opportunities in elementary, middle, and high school. 

Twice-Exceptional (2e)
Some gifted students with advanced learning needs may also have a learning disability. Twice-exceptional (or “2e”) students need strengths-based instruction while receiving advanced programming. The FCPS continuum of AAP services provides multiple entry points to meet student needs while also supporting their learning challenges. FCPS has created a 2e handbook to help schools and families understand how to identify and serve 2e students. You can find these resources by going to and searching “2e.” 

Safety Drills During the School Year

Keeping students and staff safe is a priority for FCPS. Each school has an emergency preparedness plan to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Schools are required by state law to practice emergency drills, including lockdown drills, each year. Schools are also required to notify parents and guardians at least 24 hours before a school conducts a lockdown drill. However, schools are not required to give the specific date and time of the drill in advance. 

The first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students are exempt from practicing the first lockdown drill. 

Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your students before and after school lockdown drills.

Know Our Security Terms

FCPS uses specific terminology to describe the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.

Watch this video to learn about safety terms including lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. 

If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

For Our Military Families: Military Matters

    Military Families Parent Coffee - HES Cafeteria
    September 24, 8:40-10:00am

Let’s connect with each other and create a sense of belonging as we celebrate Blue Star Families Welcome Week.

Contact: Katie Hamlin – HES PTA Military Liaison, [email protected]
Shelly Oberst, Military Family & Life Counselor, [email protected]

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month ago

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Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Weekly Reminders
  • Fall Picture Day
  • Early Release Monday Survey
  • Back-to-School Night
  • Introduction to AAP Informational Night
  • Safety Drills During the School Year
  • 2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities 
  • Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • Immunizations and Records
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Useful Links


  • September 10 - Fall Picture Day
  • September 13 - Military Families Ice Cream Social
  • September 16 - 3 Hour Early Release - Complete Survey
  • September 17 & 18 - PTA Restaurant Night (Hangry Burger)
  • September 19 - Back-to-School Night
  • September 24 - Military Families Parent Coffee
  • September 25 - PTA Meeting

See the complete school year calendar

Weekly Reminders
  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • Lunch visitors will be welcomed beginning October 1st to ensure school staff have time to teach and reinforce cafeteria routines and procedures.
  • The school does not accept food deliveries for students
  • Please make sure to bring your ID when coming to the building
Fall Picture Day - September 10

Check your students' Thursday folder for more information on how to order school pictures.

Early Release Mondays

To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form: for each of your children who are enrolled at Hayfield Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 16, 2024 and October 21, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student. Please complete this form as soon as possible.

Back-to-School Night

September 19 | This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more.

6:00-6:10 p.m.  Meet & Greet for Session 
6:10-6:15 p.m.  Welcome Video
6:15-6:45 p.m.  Classroom Presentation (Back-to-School Info)
6:45-7:00 p.m.  Transition and Meet & Greet for Session 2
7:00-7:30 p.m.  Classroom Presentation #2 (Back-to-School Info Repeated)

*There are two sessions for families that have more than one child at HES. The teachers will be presenting identical information in Session 1 and Session 2.

Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting

There will be an Introduction to AAP Informational Meeting for parents on Tuesday, October 1st  at 6:00 PM in the school Library.  Any parents of students in grades K-6 are invited to attend.  This meeting will discuss the levels of service for Advanced Academics as well as the process for screening and identification for these services.  Please reach out to the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, Avery Rothman [email protected], with any questions.

Safety Drills During the School Year

Keeping students and staff safe is a priority for FCPS. Each school has an emergency preparedness plan to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Schools are required by state law to practice emergency drills, including lockdown drills, each year. Schools are also required to notify parents and guardians at least 24 hours before a school conducts a lockdown drill. However, schools are not required to give the specific date and time of the drill in advance. 

The first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students are exempt from practicing the first lockdown drill. 

Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your students before and after school lockdown drills.

Know Our Security Terms

FCPS uses specific terminology to describe the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.

Watch this video to learn about safety terms including lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. 

If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities

FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document (SR&R) explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment. Read Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s letter to families regarding the SR&R

Parents/caregivers should talk to their child(ren) about expectations for this school year. Also, please log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet to your child’s school by Monday, September 30

You can submit questions online regarding the SR&R.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

According to the Centers for Disease Control, eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals receive breakfast and lunch at school at no cost. 

Families who qualified for FRM from SY 23-24, will continue to qualify for the first 30 days of school. A new application must be submitted by October 1 for SY 24-25 consideration.

Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage.

Immunizations and Records

Are Your Child’s Immunizations and Records Up to Date? 

In Virginia, it's required by law for students to have certain immunizations to attend school. This is supported by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health, and FCPS Regulation 2101.

Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.

You can check your child’s immunization compliance by accessing ParentVUE

Families of students with incomplete immunization records need to provide acceptable proof of immunization to their child's school as soon as possible. You can find the list of required immunizations on the General Registration Immunizations webpage.

If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, here's what you need to do:

Get your child’s immunization record from one of these places:

  • Request immunization records for free through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
  • If your child was immunized outside Virginia, get records from those states’ systems.
  • Request records from your healthcare provider. Some may charge for copies.
  • Submit your child’s immunization record to your child’s school.

Families should submit their child’s completed immunization records before September 30. 

Please visit FCPS’ website for more information. If you would like to speak with an FCPS staff member, please leave a message at one of the phone numbers below. Thank you for supporting our students' health and well-being.

For Our Military Families: Military Matters

Upcoming Events

  • September 13 – Military Families Ice Cream Social
  • September 24 – Blue Star Families Welcome Event

Military Families Ice Cream Social - HES Playground
September 13, 3:30pm

Please join us to kick off the new school year.

Click here to RSVP or to Volunteer

Military Families Parent Coffee - HES Cafeteria
September 24, 8:40-10:00am

Let’s connect with each other and create a sense of belonging as we celebrate Blue Star Families Welcome Week.

Contact: Katie Hamlin – HES PTA Military Liaison, [email protected]
Shelly Oberst, Military Family & Life Counselor, [email protected]

Career Connection Expo - Fort Belvoir Community Center
September 12, 2024 from 11:00am-2:00pm

The Army Community Service (ACS) Employment Readiness Program is hosting this event for military spouses to support and assist them as they search for meaningful employment.

Military Child Education Coalition - Weekly Parent Webinar
Balanced Parenting
Wednesday, September 11 at noon

In this webinar, we discuss different parenting styles with a focus on balanced parenting and, offer strategies and techniques to try at home to support a healthy dynamic. Military Child Education Coalition

Register: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Reminders
  • Meet our New Staff
  • Early Release Monday Survey
  • Back-to-School Night
  • 2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities 
  • Safety Drills During the School Year
  • Report Full-Day Absences in ParentVUE
  • Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery
  • Student Consent Forms
  • Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • Immunizations and Records
  • For Our Military Families:  Military Matters
  • Useful Links


  • September 2 - Labor Day Break (No School)
  • September 10 - Fall Picture Day
  • September 13 - Military Families Ice Cream Social
  • September 16 - 3 Hour Early Release - Complete Survey
  • September 19 at 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

  • Dismissal changes should be submitted to the office by 2:30 p.m.
  • No student may be checked-out after 3:00 p.m.  Pease arrive early.
  • Please make sure to bring your ID when coming to the building
Meet our New Staff

Danielle Zehr, 6th Grade Teacher

Avery Rothman, AART

Monique Beck, SPED Lead Teacher

Jennifer Reyes, SPED IA

Maliya Tillery, P.E. Teacher

Herston Phillips, Social Worker

Early Release Mondays

To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form: for each of your children who are enrolled at Hayfield Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 16, 2024 and October 21, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student. Please complete this form as soon as possible.

Back-to-School Night

September 19 | This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more.

6:00-6:10 p.m.  Meet & Greet for Session 
6:10-6:15 p.m.  Welcome Video
6:15-6:45 p.m.  Classroom Presentation (Back-to-School Info)
6:45-7:00 p.m.  Transition and Meet & Greet for Session 2
7:00-7:30 p.m.  Classroom Presentation #2 (Back-to-School Info Repeated)

*There are two sessions for families that have more than one child at HES. The teachers will be presenting identical information in Session 1 and Session 2.

2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities

FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document (SR&R) explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment. Read Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s letter to families regarding the SR&R

Parents/caregivers should talk to their child(ren) about expectations for this school year. Also, please log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet to your child’s school by Monday, September 30

You can submit questions online regarding the SR&R.

Safety Drills During the School Year

Keeping students and staff safe is a priority for FCPS. Each school has an emergency preparedness plan to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Schools are required by state law to practice emergency drills, including lockdown drills, each year. Schools are also required to notify parents and guardians at least 24 hours before a school conducts a lockdown drill. However, schools are not required to give the specific date and time of the drill in advance. 

The first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students are exempt from practicing the first lockdown drill. 

Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your students before and after school lockdown drills.

Know Our Security Terms

FCPS uses specific terminology to describe the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.

Watch this video to learn about safety terms including lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. 

If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

New Feature in ParentVUE: Report Full-Day Absences

Starting on the first day of school, Monday, August 19, parents/caregivers can submit full-day absences through FCPS’ SIS ParentVUE platform. This will make reporting and tracking absences easier for our school.

Parents/caregivers may report absences by using ParentVUE or by contacting the front office. Please find important details below:

  • How to Use ParentVUE: Log in to your ParentVUE account and select “Report Absence.” 
  • More Ways to Report: Use our attendance email -  [email protected] 
Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery

To ensure school staff have time to teach and reinforce cafeteria routines and procedures, we will be delaying the visitation of family members during lunch until October 1.

FCPS Food Services provides options for breakfast and lunch every day and participates in the Federal Free and Reduced Meals (FRM) grant that provides free or reduced priced meals for students who qualify. Bringing in restaurant food to your child during lunch is HIGHLY discouraged. We do not accept deliveries from outside food vendors/delivery service.

Student Consent Forms

Student consent forms currently available on ParentVue will be moved to the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). Families can log into the PDC using their ParentVue credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child.  If you have a new ParentVue account, you must wait 24 hours after it is created to use the PDC.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out, Digital Resources Consent, SEL Screener Opt-Out, Family Life Education Opt-out, SOL Retest Permission Objection, Release of Directory Information to the Public Objection, Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

According to the Centers for Disease Control, eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals receive breakfast and lunch at school at no cost. 

Families who qualified for FRM from SY 23-24, will continue to qualify for the first 30 days of school. A new application must be submitted by October 1 for SY 24-25 consideration.

Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage.

Immunizations and Records

Are Your Child’s Immunizations and Records Up to Date? 

In Virginia, it's required by law for students to have certain immunizations to attend school. This is supported by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health, and FCPS Regulation 2101.

Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.

You can check your child’s immunization compliance by accessing ParentVUE

Families of students with incomplete immunization records need to provide acceptable proof of immunization to their child's school as soon as possible. You can find the list of required immunizations on the General Registration Immunizations webpage.

If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, here's what you need to do:

  1. Get your child’s immunization record from one of these places:
  • Request immunization records for free through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
  • If your child was immunized outside Virginia, get records from those states’ systems.
  • Request records from your healthcare provider. Some may charge for copies.
  • Submit your child’s immunization record to your child’s school.

Families should submit their child’s completed immunization records before September 30. 

Please visit FCPS’ website for more information. If you would like to speak with an FCPS staff member, please leave a message at one of the phone numbers below. Thank you for supporting our students' health and well-being.

For Our Military Families: Military Matters

Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Events & Dates

  • September 13 – Military Families Ice Cream Social
  • September 21-29 – Blue Star Welcome Week, Blue Star Families


Military Families Ice Cream Social
Please join us to kick off the new school year.
September 13th at 3:30pm
HES Playground

Contact: Katie Hamlin – HES PTA Military Liaison, [email protected]
Shelly Oberst, Military Family & Life Counselor, [email protected]

Click here to RSVP or to Volunteer


Military Child Education Coalition - Weekly Parent Webinar:


Study Skills for Students with Exceptional Skills
Tuesday, September 3 at noon

Join us in a special two-part series tailored to students with exceptional needs. This webinar will cover studying challenges and how to overcome them. We will explore organizational tips and resources for parents to help them best support their students at home.

Register: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
[email protected]

7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Meet our New Staff
  • Chat with Admin 
  • HES Student Handbook
  • Report Full-Day Absences in ParentVUE
  • Dismissal
  • Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery
  • Buses and Delays
  • Back-to-School Night
  • EPI School Supplies
  • Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)
  • Student Consent Forms
  • Driver's License/ID
  • Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • Immunizations and Records
  • Useful Links


  • August 30 & September 2 - Labor Day Break (No School)
  • September 10 - Fall Pictures
  • September 19; 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

Meet our New Staff (more to come)

Tracy Green, 3rd Grade Teacher

Dr. Marvin Jones, School Counselor

Chat with Admin

Thursday, August 29; 9:00-9:30 a.m.


Do you have questions, wonderings, and/or thoughts that you would like to share?  We realize that not every family is able to attend in-person events, so we cordially invite families to join us online for select dates throughout the 2024-2025 school year. The first session will be August 29 from 9:30-9:30. Please register here to access the link (a new link will be sent for each session).


HES Student Handbook

Please visit our website and review the HES student handbook as a family. The handbook contains important information that will support families in understanding expectations and procedures at HES.

New Feature in ParentVUE: Report Full-Day Absences

Starting on the first day of school, Monday, August 19, parents/caregivers can submit full-day absences through FCPS’ SIS ParentVUE platform. This will make reporting and tracking absences easier for our school.

Parents/caregivers may report absences by using ParentVUE or by contacting the front office. Please find important details below:

  • How to Use ParentVUE: Log in to your ParentVUE account and select “Report Absence.” 
  • More Ways to Report: Use our attendance email -  [email protected] 


If  you need to change your child's mode of transportation for dismissal. Please complete this form. This form is for temporary changes ONLY and should be submitted the same day of the needed change. For safety reasons, and to ensure, changes submitted are fulfilled in a timely manner, dismissal changes MUST be submitted by 2:30 p.m. Requests submitted after 2:30 p.m. will not be fulfilled and students will be sent home via their regular mode of transportation.



Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery

To ensure school staff have time to teach and reinforce cafeteria routines and procedures, we will be delaying the visitation of family members during lunch until October 1.


FCPS Food Services provides options for breakfast and lunch every day and participates in the Federal Free and Reduced Meals (FRM) grant that provides free or reduced priced meals for students who qualify. Bringing in restaurant food to your child during lunch is HIGHLY discouraged. We do not accept deliveries from outside food vendors/delivery service.

Buses and Delays

Thank you for your patience as we all get used to new routines this school year. We appreciate our families following Kiss and Ride procedures and being patient while waiting for your children’s buses. 

If your student’s bus is delayed, you may access the Bus Delay Notification System or use the Here Comes the Bus mobile app to receive the delayed bus report. Email messages will be sent to announce significant bus delays. Please contact the Transportation Office at 703-446-2150 with any additional questions. For concerns after 5:30 p.m., contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000. 

Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE to make sure you receive email messages about bus delays.

Back-to-School Night

Back-to-School Night; September 19: This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more. More information regarding scheduling will be sent in future newsletters.

EPI School Supplies

We have been given an extension to order school supplies. To order, parents just need to go to the EPI website ( and enter this School ID (HAY027) or search for our school by zip code. This oppprtunity is available through 8/25. School supplies will be delivered to your home address.

Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)

The OVU packet allows parents to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and add new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE. For more information, please visit SIS ParentVUE Online Verification/Update (OVU) Packet.

Student Consent Forms

Student consent forms currently available on ParentVue will be moved to the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). Families can log into the PDC using their ParentVue credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child.  If you have a new ParentVue account, you must wait 24 hours after it is created to use the PDC.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out Digital Resources Consent  SEL Screener Opt-Out Family Life Education Opt-out SOL Retest Permission Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Don't forget your driver's license or ID!

The safety and security of our students and our staff are of utmost importance. Every visitor who enters the building is monitored. All visitors entering HES need to have a valid driver’s license/ID and sign-in using the Visitor Management System (VMS). The VMS will issue each visitor a sticker that should always be worn when in the building. Your license or ID is also required when checking out your child(ren).

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

According to the Centers for Disease Control, eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals receive breakfast and lunch at school at no cost. 

Families who qualified for FRM from SY 23-24, will continue to qualify for the first 30 days of school. A new application must be submitted by October 1 for SY 24-25 consideration.

Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage.

Immunizations and Records

Are Your Child’s Immunizations and Records Up to Date? 

In Virginia, it's required by law for students to have certain immunizations to attend school. This is supported by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health, and FCPS Regulation 2101.

Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.

You can check your child’s immunization compliance by accessing ParentVUE

Families of students with incomplete immunization records need to provide acceptable proof of immunization to their child's school as soon as possible. You can find the list of required immunizations on the General Registration Immunizations webpage.

If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, here's what you need to do:

  1. Get your child’s immunization record from one of these places:
  • Request immunization records for free through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
  • If your child was immunized outside Virginia, get records from those states’ systems.
  • Request records from your healthcare provider. Some may charge for copies.
  • Submit your child’s immunization record to your child’s school.

Families should submit their child’s completed immunization records before September 30. 

Please visit FCPS’ website for more information. If you would like to speak with an FCPS staff member, please leave a message at one of the phone numbers below. Thank you for supporting our students' health and well-being.


7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Important Back-to-School Information

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • Meet our New Staff 
  • HES Student Handbook
  • Report Full-Day Absences in ParentVUE
  • SIS ParentVUE
  • Early Release Mondays
  • Transportation, Arrival, and Dismissal
  • Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery
  • Back-to-School Night
  • Health Room Greeting
  • EPI School Supplies
  • Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)
  • Student Consent Forms
  • Driver's License/ID
  • Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • Immunizations and Records
  • HSS Band/Orchestra Event
  • Useful Links


  • August 19 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
  • August 30 & September 2 - Labor Day Break (No School)
  • September 19; 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

Meet our New Staff (more to come)

Alexa Merrel, 4th Grade Teacher

Selena Galeas, Special Education Teacher

Maria Vargas Chavez, 3rd Grade Teacher

Yolanda Garrett, ESOL Teacher

Stephanie Halvorson, Art Teacher

HES Student Handbook

Please visit our website and review the HES student handbook as a family. The handbook contains important information that will support families in understanding expectations and procedures at HES.

New Feature in ParentVUE: Report Full-Day Absences

Starting on the first day of school, Monday, August 19, parents/caregivers can submit full-day absences through FCPS’ SIS ParentVUE platform. This will make reporting and tracking absences easier for our school.

Parents/caregivers may report absences by using ParentVUE or by contacting the front office. Please find important details below:

  • How to Use ParentVUE: Log in to your ParentVUE account and select “Report Absence.” 
  • More Ways to Report: Use our attendance email -  [email protected] 
SIS ParentVue

Access your student’s attendance records, grades, and assignments at any time with SIS ParentVUE. Caregivers should receive an activation code when they register their child. 

Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family can be accessed through the same ParentVUE account. Access SIS ParentVUE by using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android devices. 

Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, a requirement for Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) from the Virginia Literacy Act includes approximately 27 hours of asynchronous training focused on the Science of Reading and evidenced-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year. As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned for 7 early release Mondays starting in September. 

Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. These dates only apply to elementary school-age students.

Hayfield Elementary will begin dismissal at 12:20 pm on the following days:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

FCPS has created a webpage to provide detailed information about the early release Mondays.


Dear Parent/Caregiver,

The Early Release Mondays planned throughout the school year for elementary schools are essential to allow educators time for planning and professional development.  Students will be dismissed 3 hours early seven times throughout the school year and are encouraged to return home via their normal route.  However, we understand there may be a childcare hardship because of the early release Mondays for many of our families.  To resolve these concerns, student supervision will be available for families who need it. 


The following dates are planned for Early Release Mondays throughout the school year:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form: for each of your children who are enrolled at Hayfield Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 16, 2024 and October 21, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student. Please complete this form no later than August 19, 2024.

Transportation, Arrival, and Dismissal


If  you need to change your child's mode of transportation for dismissal. Please complete this form. This form is for temporary changes ONLY and should be submitted the same day of the needed change. For safety reasons, and to ensure, changes submitted are fulfilled in a timely manner, dismissal changes MUST be submitted by 2:30 p.m. Requests submitted after 2:30 p.m. will not be fulfilled and students will be sent home via their regular mode of transportation.


NEEDED: Transportation Information for your Child(ren)

Prior to the first day of school on Monday, August 19, we need to know how every student is going home. Please take a moment to complete this form. This form should be completed for each individual child.



The first day of school is Monday, August 19. Parents may walk their students to their classroom on the first day of school only.

Bus Routes will be posted to SIS ParentVUE accounts the week of August 12. Bus riders will be released from their bus at 8:25 a.m. and will enter the building through Door 1

Walkers will use Door 3 (the back courtyard).  We ask that parents/guardians say goodbye to their walkers at Door 3 beginning the second day of school, Tuesday, August 20. We will always have staff members available to ensure students get to their classrooms safely. Door 3 will open at 8:25 a.m., unless your child is purchasing breakfast. If breakfast is being purchased, walkers may enter Door 3 at 8:20 a.m.  Please note the arrival time of your child(ren), as we do not have school staff available to supervise students before 8:20 a.m. For dismissal, you may meet your child(ren) in grades 2-6 at Door 3 (the back courtyard) at 3:20 p.m. Kindergartners and 1st graders will be released though Door 10 and must be met by a parent/guardian or a sibling who is 7th grade or older.

Kiss and Ride  students will enter Door 2 starting at 8:20 a.m. for arrival – students must remain in your car until a patrol or staff member opens the door for them. If you arrive at school after 8:35 a.m., please park and bring your child to the Main Office to check-in. Pick-up for Kiss and Ride will begin at 3:20 pm. and children will exit through Door 2.

Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery

To ensure school staff have time to teach and reinforce cafeteria routines and procedures, we will be delaying the visitation of family members during lunch until October 1.


FCPS Food Services provides options for breakfast and lunch every day and participates in the Federal Free and Reduced Meals (FRM) grant that provides free or reduced priced meals for students who qualify. Bringing in restaurant food to your child during lunch is HIGHLY discouraged. We do not accept deliveries from outside food vendors/delivery service.

Back-to-School Night

Back-to-School Night; September 19: This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more. More information regarding scheduling will be sent in future newsletters.

Health Room Greeting

Dear Parent or Guardian:


Greetings from your school Health Room!

The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) School Health Division’s primary goal is to promote the overall health and well-being of school-aged children.  The School Health Division consists of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) and School Health Aides (SHAs) who provide a variety of services to accomplish this goal.  PHNs develop individualized health care/action plans for students with complex health conditions and provide health training to school staff to support students’ health needs during the school day. Meanwhile, SHAs deliver direct care to sick and injured students by following standardized protocols or individualized health care/action plans. They are also responsible for administering medications and conducting vision and hearing screenings.


School Health Room Services Include:

  1. Care of sick and injured students in accordance with the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) School Health Emergency Temporary Care Guidelines and students’ individualized health care/action plans, if applicable.
  2. Administration of medication provided by parents/guardians with proper authorization completed by their health care provider.
  3. Coordination of care for students with chronic health conditions during the school day.
  4. Hearing and vision screening (grades K, 3, 7, 10, new to FCPS, and those students referred by teachers and parents/guardians).


How can you help your school health room provide the best possible care?

  1. Complete and submit the FCPS medication authorization forms annually, as applicable:
  1. Provide the school with properly labeled containers (your pharmacist will usually provide an extra container if requested). Only a 30-day supply of prescription medication should be brought into school at a time. It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to bring additional refills, if needed, to the school.
  2. Medications must be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian; except, with parent/guardian approval, a high school student may carry over-the-counter (OTC) medications to and from the school health room and pick up the backup medication from the health room with documented parent/guardian permission.
  3. Medications must be kept in the school health room or other school-approved location unless approved for the student to carry it during school hours. Students approved to carry their own medication, should have a second dose kept in the school health room.
  4. OTC medication for headache, muscle ache, orthodontic pain, or menstrual cramps may be given as needed throughout the school year with only the parent/ guardian signature on part II of the FCPS Medication Authorization Form. No more than 100 pills/tablets of OTC medication should be brought to school at a time (must be in unopened original container/packaging).
  5. OTC medications other than pain relievers may be given up to ten consecutive school days with the parent/guardian signature on the FCPS Medication Authorization form before a health care provider’s authorization is required.
  6. Cough drops and throat lozenges may be carried and used by students in kindergarten through grade 12 as needed throughout the school year, provided that they are in the original container or packaging. Students must not share cough drops or throat lozenges under any circumstances.


Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in helping to make this a safe and healthy school year for all FCPS students.


If you have any questions, feel free to call either your School Health Aide, Debi Richardson, at 703-924-4510 or your school Public Health Nurse, Nohelia Yanes, RN, at 571-748-8382.


EPI School Supplies

We have been given an extension to order school supplies. To order, parents just need to go to the EPI website ( and enter this School ID (HAY027) or search for our school by zip code. This oppprtunity is available through 8/25. School supplies will be delivered to your home address.

Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)

The OVU packet allows parents to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and add new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE. For more information, please visit SIS ParentVUE Online Verification/Update (OVU) Packet.

Student Consent Forms

Student consent forms currently available on ParentVue will be moved to the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). Families can log into the PDC using their ParentVue credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child.  If you have a new ParentVue account, you must wait 24 hours after it is created to use the PDC.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out Digital Resources Consent  SEL Screener Opt-Out Family Life Education Opt-out SOL Retest Permission Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Don't forget your driver's license or ID!

The safety and security of our students and our staff are of utmost importance. Every visitor who enters the building is monitored. All visitors entering HES need to have a valid driver’s license/ID and sign-in using the Visitor Management System (VMS). The VMS will issue each visitor a sticker that should always be worn when in the building. Your license or ID is also required when checking out your child(ren).

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

According to the Centers for Disease Control, eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals receive breakfast and lunch at school at no cost. 

Families who qualified for FRM from SY 23-24, will continue to qualify for the first 30 days of school. A new application must be submitted by October 1 for SY 24-25 consideration.

Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage.

Immunizations and Records

Are Your Child’s Immunizations and Records Up to Date? 

In Virginia, it's required by law for students to have certain immunizations to attend school. This is supported by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health, and FCPS Regulation 2101.

Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.

You can check your child’s immunization compliance by accessing ParentVUE

Families of students with incomplete immunization records need to provide acceptable proof of immunization to their child's school as soon as possible. You can find the list of required immunizations on the General Registration Immunizations webpage.

If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, here's what you need to do:

  1. Get your child’s immunization record from one of these places:
  • Request immunization records for free through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
  • If your child was immunized outside Virginia, get records from those states’ systems.
  • Request records from your healthcare provider. Some may charge for copies.
  • Submit your child’s immunization record to your child’s school.

Families should submit their child’s completed immunization records before September 30. 

Please visit FCPS’ website for more information. If you would like to speak with an FCPS staff member, please leave a message at one of the phone numbers below. Thank you for supporting our students' health and well-being.

HSS Band/Orchestra Event

H a y f i e l d  S e c o n d a r y  S c h o o l
T h u r s d a y , A u g 2 2 ~ 4 - 6 p m
M S  L e c t u r e  H a l l  a t  E n t r a n c e  9

Welcoming all Hayfield Pyramid Band and
Orchestra students (grades 4-6) to come try out instrument
options with members of the Hayfield HS Bands
and Orchestras! Open house from 4-6pm.


7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Vital Back-to-School Information

GovDelivery2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents
  • Calendar
  • HES Student Handbook
  • SIS ParentVUE
  • Class Assignments
  • Early Release Mondays
  • Transportation, Arrival, and Dismissal
  • Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery
  • Back-to-School Events
  • EPI School Supplies
  • Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)
  • Student Consent Forms
  • Driver's License/ID
  • Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • Immunizations and Records


  • August 16; 9:00-10:30 a.m. - Back-to-School Extravaganza
  • August 19 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
  • August 30 & September 2 - Labor Day Break (No School)
  • September 19; 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

HES Student Handbook

Please visit our website and review the HES student handbook as a family. The handbook contains important information that will support families in understanding expectations and procedures at HES.

SIS ParentVue

Access your student’s attendance records, grades, and assignments at any time with SIS ParentVUE. Caregivers should receive an activation code when they register their child. 

Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family can be accessed through the same ParentVUE account. Access SIS ParentVUE by using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android devices. 

Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.

Class Assignments

Students’ individual classroom teacher assignments will be available in SIS ParentVUE beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 15. We are still registering students; therefore, we are unable to finalize class rosters until that time. In addition, even though it is rare, there are times that changes need to be made after school begins. As Hayfield ES is a dedicated Professional Learning Community, teachers at every grade level collaborate interdependently throughout the school year to support the academic and social-emotional achievement of all students.  All teachers are highly qualified and were selected as members of the Hayfield ES staff because they meet the high standards and expectations we have in our community.  We appreciate your support of our talented teachers.

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, a requirement for Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) from the Virginia Literacy Act includes approximately 27 hours of asynchronous training focused on the Science of Reading and evidenced-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year. As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned for 7 early release Mondays starting in September. 

Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. These dates only apply to elementary school-age students.

Hayfield Elementary will begin dismissal at 12:20 pm on the following days:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

FCPS has created a webpage to provide detailed information about the early release Mondays.


Dear Parent/Caregiver,

The Early Release Mondays planned throughout the school year for elementary schools are essential to allow educators time for planning and professional development.  Students will be dismissed 3 hours early seven times throughout the school year and are encouraged to return home via their normal route.  However, we understand there may be a childcare hardship because of the early release Mondays for many of our families.  To resolve these concerns, student supervision will be available for families who need it. 


The following dates are planned for Early Release Mondays throughout the school year:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form: for each of your children who are enrolled at Hayfield Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 16, 2024 and October 21, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student. Please complete this form no later than August 19, 2024.

Transportation, Arrival, and Dismissal Lunch with your Child(ren)/Food Delivery

To ensure school staff have time to teach and reinforce cafeteria routines and procedures, we will be delaying the visitation of family members during lunch until October 1.


FCPS Food Services provides options for breakfast and lunch every day and participates in the Federal Free and Reduced Meals (FRM) grant that provides free or reduced priced meals for students who qualify. Bringing in restaurant food to your child during lunch is HIGHLY discouraged. We do not accept deliveries from outside food vendors/delivery service.


If  you need to change your child's mode of transportation for dismissal. Please complete this form. This form is for temporary changes ONLY and should be submitted the same day of the needed change. For safety reasons, and to ensure, changes submitted are fulfilled in a timely manner, dismissal changes MUST be submitted by 2:30 p.m. Requests submitted after 2:30 p.m. will not be fulfilled and students will be sent home via their regular mode of transportation.


NEEDED: Transportation Information for your Child(ren)

Prior to the first day of school on Monday, August 19, we need to know how every student is going home. Please take a moment to complete this form. This form should be completed for each individual child.



The first day of school is Monday, August 19. Parents may walk their students to their classroom on the first day of school only.

Bus Routes will be posted to SIS ParentVUE accounts the week of August 12. Bus riders will be released from their bus at 8:25 a.m. and will enter the building through Door 1

Walkers will use Door 3 (the back courtyard).  We ask that parents/guardians say goodbye to their walkers at Door 3 beginning the second day of school, Tuesday, August 20. We will always have staff members available to ensure students get to their classrooms safely. Door 3 will open at 8:25 a.m., unless your child is purchasing breakfast. If breakfast is being purchased, walkers may enter Door 3 at 8:20 a.m.  Please note the arrival time of your child(ren), as we do not have school staff available to supervise students before 8:20 a.m. For dismissal, you may meet your child(ren) in grades 2-6 at Door 3 (the back courtyard) at 3:20 p.m. Kindergartners and 1st graders will be released though Door 10 and must be met by a parent/guardian or a sibling who is 7th grade or older.

Kiss and Ride  students will enter Door 2 starting at 8:20 a.m. for arrival – students must remain in your car until a patrol or staff member opens the door for them. If you arrive at school after 8:35 a.m., please park and bring your child to the Main Office to check-in. Pick-up for Kiss and Ride will begin at 3:20 pm. and children will exit through Door 2.

Back-to-School Events

Back-to-School Extravaganza; August 16:

This will be an informal event prior to the start of school for students and families to tour the building, meet and greet teachers, collect general information about classes and programs, meet new friends in class, drop off school supplies, and have access to information about extracurricular activities. Our PTA will also be available. You may visit HES any time between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on this day.


Back-to-School Night; September 19: This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more. More information regarding scheduling will be sent in future newsletters.

EPI School Supplies

We have been given an extension to order school supplies. To order, parents just need to go to the EPI website ( and enter this School ID (HAY027) or search for our school by zip code. This oppprtunity is available through 8/25. School supplies will be delivered to your home address.

Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)

The OVU packet allows parents to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and add new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE. For more information, please visit SIS ParentVUE Online Verification/Update (OVU) Packet.

Student Consent Forms

Student consent forms currently available on ParentVue will be moved to the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). Families can log into the PDC using their ParentVue credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child.  If you have a new ParentVue account, you must wait 24 hours after it is created to use the PDC.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out Digital Resources Consent  SEL Screener Opt-Out Family Life Education Opt-out SOL Retest Permission Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Don't forget your driver's license or ID!

The safety and security of our students and our staff are of utmost importance. Every visitor who enters the building is monitored. All visitors entering HES need to have a valid driver’s license/ID and sign-in using the Visitor Management System (VMS). The VMS will issue each visitor a sticker that should always be worn when in the building. Your license or ID is also required when checking out your child(ren).

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

According to the Centers for Disease Control, eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores. Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals receive breakfast and lunch at school at no cost. 

Families who qualified for FRM from SY 23-24, will continue to qualify for the first 30 days of school. A new application must be submitted by October 1 for SY 24-25 consideration.

Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage.

Immunizations and Records

Are Your Child’s Immunizations and Records Up to Date? 

In Virginia, it's required by law for students to have certain immunizations to attend school. This is supported by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health, and FCPS Regulation 2101.

Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.

You can check your child’s immunization compliance by accessing ParentVUE

Families of students with incomplete immunization records need to provide acceptable proof of immunization to their child's school as soon as possible. You can find the list of required immunizations on the General Registration Immunizations webpage.

If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, here's what you need to do:

  1. Get your child’s immunization record from one of these places:
  • Request immunization records for free through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
  • If your child was immunized outside Virginia, get records from those states’ systems.
  • Request records from your healthcare provider. Some may charge for copies.
  • Submit your child’s immunization record to your child’s school.

Families should submit their child’s completed immunization records before September 30. 

Please visit FCPS’ website for more information. If you would like to speak with an FCPS staff member, please leave a message at one of the phone numbers below. Thank you for supporting our students' health and well-being.


7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Summer Updates

GovDelivery2 months ago

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  • Summer office hours are 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. through August 9
  • August 16; 9:00-10:30 a.m. - Back-to-School Extravaganza
  • August 19 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
  • August 30 & September 2 - Labor Day Break (No School)
  • September 19; 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

Welcome Back from Admin

Dear Hayfield Families,

We are excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year with you and welcome our students back to the NEST! We hope you have had a wonderful summer and are ready for the new school year to begin! There is a lot of information we would like to share with you so everyone is prepared for all of our back-to-school activities. We will continue to communicate over these next few weeks  to keep you up-to-date. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our main office with questions.


First Day Arrival

The first day of school is Monday, August 19. Parents may walk their students to their classroom on the first day of school. Walkers and car riders can enter the building at 8:20 AM. Please do not drop off your child before the start of school. The school day will begin at 8:35 AM and end at 3:20 PM. Bus riders enter/exit the building at door #1, walkers enter/exit at door #3, and kiss-and-ride students enter/exit at door #2.


Lunch with your Child(ren)

To ensure school staff have time to teach and reinforce cafeteria routines and procedures, we will be delaying the visitation of family members during lunch until October 1.


Class Assignments

Students’ individual classroom teacher assignments will be available in SIS ParentVUE beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 15. We are still registering students; therefore, we are unable to finalize class rosters until that time.  As Hayfield ES is a dedicated Professional Learning Community, teachers at every grade level collaborate interdependently throughout the school year to support the academic and social-emotional achievement of all students.  All teachers are highly qualified and were selected as members of the Hayfield ES staff because they meet the high standards and expectations we have in our community.  We appreciate your support of our talented teachers.


We look forward to seeing you very soon! Enjoy these last few days of summer!

Jessica Lewis and Seamus O'Connor

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, a requirement for Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) from the Virginia Literacy Act includes approximately 27 hours of asynchronous training focused on the Science of Reading and evidenced-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year. As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned for 7 early release Mondays starting in September. 

Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. These dates only apply to elementary school-age students.

Hayfield Elementary will begin dismissal at 12:20 pm on the following days:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • Februray 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

FCPS has created a webpage to provide detailed information about the early release Mondays.

Back-to-School Events

Back-to-School Extravaganza:

This will be an informal event prior to the start of school for students and families to tour the building, meet and greet teachers, collect general information about classes and programs, meet new friends in class, drop off school supplies, and have acess to information about extracurricular activities. Our PTA will also be available. You may visit HES any time between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on this day.


Back-to-School Night: This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more. More information regarding scheduling will be sent in future newsletters.

Student Consent Forms

Student consent forms currently available on ParentVue will be moved to the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). Families can log into the PDC using their ParentVue credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child.  If you have a new ParentVue account, you must wait 24 hours after it is created to use the PDC.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out Digital Resources Consent  SEL Screener Opt-Out Family Life Education Opt-out SOL Retest Permission Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations


7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Summer Updates

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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  • Summer office hours are 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. through August 9
  • August 16; 9:00-10:30 a.m. - Back-to-School Extravaganza
  • September 19; 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, a requirement for Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) from the Virginia Literacy Act includes approximately 27 hours of asynchronous training focused on the Science of Reading and evidenced-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year. As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned for 7 early release Mondays starting in September. 

Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. These dates only apply to elementary school-age students.

Hayfield Elementary will begin dismissal at 12:20 pm on the following days:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • Februray 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

FCPS has created a webpage to provide detailed information about the early release Mondays.

Back-to-School Events

Back-to-School Extravaganza:

This will be an informal event prior to the start of school for students and families to tour the building, meet and greet teachers, collect general information about classes and programs, meet new friends in class, drop off school supplies, and have acess to information about extracurricular activities. Our PTA will also be available. You may visit HES any time between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on this day.


Back-to-School Night: This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more. More information regarding scheduling will be sent in future newsletters.

Summer Reading

Hi Hayfield Hawks!


We hope that you have a very enjoyable summer!  We also hope that you take some time to read this summer as this will help you prepare for the next school year.  Please click on this link: to see a variety of ways that you can continue reading, earn some prizes, and having fun doing it!


We look forward to seeing you in the fall!


Ms. Ergler and Mrs. Trainer


7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Summer Updates

GovDelivery3 months ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو


  • Summer office hours are 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. through August 9
  •  July 18 & 19 -  Office closed for cleaning
  • August 16; 9:00-10:30 a.m. - Back-to-School Extravaganza
  • September 19; 6:00-7:30 p.m. - Back-to-School Night

See the complete school year calendar

Back-to-School Events

Back-to-School Extravaganza:

This will be an informal event prior to the start of school for students and families to tour the building, meet and greet teachers, collect general information about classes and programs, meet new friends in class, drop off school supplies, and have acess to information about extracurricular activities. Our PTA will also be available. You may visit HES any time between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on this day.


Back-to-School Night: This event will provide a structured opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers and learn important detailed information about academic outcomes for each subject, curriculum changes, expectations for the school year, supports for students, communication methods for parents, and more. More information regarding scheduling will be sent in future newsletters.

Summer Reading

Hi Hayfield Hawks!


We hope that you have a very enjoyable summer!  We also hope that you take some time to read this summer as this will help you prepare for the next school year.  Please click on this link: to see a variety of ways that you can continue reading, earn some prizes, and having fun doing it!


We look forward to seeing you in the fall!


Ms. Ergler and Mrs. Trainer


7633 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315  |  Phone: 703.924.4500

Attendance: [email protected] | Web | Twitter

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